Alas'to Dhonmi

Send us a blindfold, send us a blade
Tell the survivors, help is on the way

Metric ("Blindness")


Name: Alas'to Dhonmi
Nickname/s: Alas
Age: 28 (ARR)
Nameday: 02/11
Height: 5'6"
Gender: GNC Trans Man
Pronouns: He / Him / His
Race: Miqo'te (Keeper of the Moon)
Guardian: Menphina
Birthplace: East Shroud
Home: Revenant's Toll, Mor Dhona
Affiliations: Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Sylphs, Moogles, Immortal Flames; Path of the Twelve (previously)
Orientation: Bisexual
Canon Jobs: Dragoon, Dancer; Bard (previously)

Alas'to is a study in duality. While he's kind-hearted, charming, and appears to be easy-going, he's also a vicious, reckless fighter whose true feelings are compartmentalized and kept hidden behind a lovely, sharp-fanged smile. While he makes friends easily, getting to truly know him is extremely difficult.
Regardless, he is a determined fighter who will do anything to save those he loves and pretty much anyone else he can, for better or for worse, often at the expense of his own health.Funnily enough, he's surprisingly quiet for a former bard.

  • Confident

  • Charismatic

  • Flirtatious

  • Determined

  • Inscrutable

  • Self-sacrificing

  • Vain

  • Deceptive

  • Unpredictable

  • Vengeful

Alas'to was born in a reclusive hunting community the East Shroud, the second child of a harsh, practical huntress. He was a bright, cheerful child who took easily enough to the bow, but much preferred song and dance - a fact that delighted the nearby sylphs and moogles both, even if his mother was more exasperated than anything.
Still, he was allowed to continue, entertaining the community around the fire after hunts with songs honoring Menphina and the woods around them. He was a sort of beloved nuisance around the camp and his transition didn't effect it whatsoever. Rather, the community took it in stride and adapted quickly to his new name, even if his relationship with his mother became a bit more strained and distant.When it came time for Alas'to to leave the community, he bid warm farewells to everyone (especially his younger sister, Niamh) before following the suggestion of one of his moogle friends and joining up with a performance troupe that happened to be passing through the Shroud.With his upbeat, friendly demeanor, willingness to learn, and innate rhythm and flexibility, he took easily to the life of a performer and spent his days singing, dancing, and contorting himself in whatever venues would take him. Back then, he spent whatever money he earned on all the little pleasures of life, simply living every day to the fullest.Legacy WoL:
While traveling as a performer, Alas'to began taking on odd jobs until he gained a sort of notoriety not just for his music, but his prowess with a bow. He became a sort of folk hero around the Twelveswood in particular, but his travels took him elsewhere: Ul'dah. There, he was witness to a parade and immediately became embroiled in a convoluted series of events that began with an escaped goobbue.
From there, the young bard took up arms for the Path of the Twelve and as the end of the world seemed inevitable, he took a stand in Cartenau.Then everything went blank.Post-Calamity:
After the Calamity, Alas'to woke up alone in the Twelveswood with a pounding headache and, more pressingly, a bone-deep terror. With a foggy memory and flames burnt into the inside of his eyelids, he scrambled back to Gridania as fast as he could to check up on his mother's community and make sure that they were alright, but also to join whatever guild would have him so that he could make some sort of difference.
But despite the bow strapped to his back and the ease at which he could use it, the young miqo'te wasn't let into the Archer's Guild. Refusing to give up, he picked up the lance and, due in part to his acrobatic skills and sheer determination, advanced through the ranks with remarkable speed, eventually gaining notoriety as an adventurer and piquing the interest of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.Naturally, he had no memory of his activities in Ul'dah, involvement with the Path, or the Battle of Cartenau: his memory stopping at his life as a performer. Some of the Scions seemed achingly familiar, but until after the Bloody Banquet, his memory was a thick fog.(WIP)

Fun Facts:

  • As a child of the Twelveswood who frequently hung around and found mischief in the Sylphlands, he's ingested his fair share of natural toxins... and built up a decent tolerance for many of them.

  • Conveniently, Alas'to seems to have an affinity for strange little winged creatures and is a dear friend to the sylphs, moogles, and even the fae.

  • While he's technically nocturnal, he's not always able to sleep during the day due to his work with the Scions. As such, his sleep schedule is a bit of a mess.

  • In a similar vein, he's also extremely light-sensitive due to his dilated pupils. This is why he wore a partial blindfold for most of his time in Norvrandt and why he carries some sort of eye-cover with him at all times to this day (even if he chooses not to use them).

  • His current fighting style is a sort of melee-focused dancing that incorporates his past as a dragoon. Instead of fighting with chakrams from a distance, he remains in close quarters and spins around his spear and launches off of it. It fuses aspects of ballet with pole dance and dragoon skills!

  • While it hasn't been his job for years, Alas'to still keeps a bow and instruments in his traveling supplies. Sometimes he can even be heard singing to himself.

  • He loves birds a great deal! One of his closest companions is a lovely chocobo named Farstrider who he dotes on. She is a tall, beautiful bird with plumage resembling a Steller's jay and she's built for combat with an even balance of agile speed, alarming strength, and killer instinct. While maybe not suited for unsupervised contact with pets or small children, Alas'to swears she's an absolute darling. Whether he's lying for fun or genuinely thinks that she's like that for anyone other than him is a subject for debate.

  • While nosing around an abandoned pirate stronghold on a La Noscean island, he encountered a lone blue-footed booby and fed it some dried squid. The bird has been following him around ever since.


I love OCxCanon shipping so: please look forward to it.Warning: there are Shadowbringers spoilers in the NPC section!


Thancred Waters★ ★ ★ ★ ★
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
It's... complicated.Alas'to and Thancred were extremely close friends prior to the Banquet and often went out drinking together, sometimes flirting but never saying anything directly. Then, when Thancred went missing and was presumed dead, Alas'to had the sinking realization that he'd been in love with his best friend. Assuming he'd never get closure, Alas'to moved on, only to have his next chance at love die in his arms.Then, while spiraling in his grief, Thancred showed up again. Both of them had changed drastically since that fateful night in Ul'dah, but their feelings hadn't. They had their first (sober) kiss deep in Vath territory in the middle of a fight and everything after was a bit of a whirlwind.Then, while they were sorting out their respective emotional baggage, Thancred got called to the First.So like... yeah. They had a lot of shit to work through during Shadowbringers, but the important part is that they did. Now, they're practically attached at the hip whenever they aren't on separate missions.Naturally, none of this takes their relationship prior to the Calamity into account.When Alas'to was a simple bard, he met Thancred for the first time in Ul'dah. Then they met again, and again, and again, and again, slowly falling in love as Alas'to's legend grew. But as Dalamud came closer and closer, Alas'to was deployed to Cartenau in a desperate attempt to save the world and Thancred was left in the city to grieve an inevitable loss.And grieve he did, though he didn't remember who, not until his trip through the Lifestream courtesy of Y'shtola.A Second First Meeting

Urianger Augurelt★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡
Honestly, Alas'to found him intriguing but generally incomprehensible back in his early days with the Scions. Their relationship was kind of like a cat staring unblinking at a particularly vocal bird outside the window, with Urianger (naturally) being the bird.But even if he didn't have particularly strong feelings about him prior to their adventures on the First, he's certainly become fond of him since - particularly with how kindly he treated Ryne and how he tempered Thancred's grief.Now, he's well on his way to falling in love and very much enjoys listening to Urianger ramble. He considers it to be quite endearing.

Haurchefant Greystone★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
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Sometimes you think you're going to marry a guy and then he dies in your arms. Fucked up if true.More seriously, Haurchefant was a warm hearth in an absolute blizzard. The Falling Snows became a home to Alas'to after the Banquet and what had only been idle flirting during his previous visits to Coerthas became more earnest on both sides as Alas'to warmed up metaphorically.Despite the toll of his previous romantic tragedies, Alas'to had finally felt worthy of love. He pictured a future with Haurchefant and, prior to the events of the Vault, had anticipated one day getting married and growing old together.Needless to say, Haurchefant's death hit him hard.

Estinien Wyrmblood★ ★ ★ ★ ★
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡
You will never understand a dragoon's bond.They have made out several times and have absolutely never talked about it afterwards.Regardless, Estinien became one of Alas'to's closest friends (if not the closest) over the course of Heavensward. His blunt, matter-of-fact nature is a refreshing change of pace and it's nice to be around a guy who really, truly understands the value of companionable silence.His recent induction into the Scions has been really amusing to Alas'to - as well as a chance to rebuild some bonds with a healthier foundation.

Aymeric de Borel★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
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After Haurchefant's death, Alas'to needed comfort and Aymeric was only to happy to provide that, even with the Keeper's stipulations that it was only physical.While they are steadfast friends and allies to this day, Alas'to is oblivious to the torch Aymeric carries for him.Oops.

Lyse Hext★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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Back when she was hiding behind her sister's name, Lyse was one of the Scions Alas'to was closest to and one of his most frequent drinking companions/sparring partners.They've been somewhat out of contact since she became a leader of the Resistance, but since Alas'to brought the others back from the First, she's re-inserted herself back into his life (much to his delight).

Y'shtola Rhul★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
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While they respect each other and are dear friends, they don't talk in-depth particularly often.

Ardbert★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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Ardbert :)

G'raha Tia★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
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"Ahaha, you have a crush on me? That's so cute, buddy."In all seriousness, they became fast friends during the Crystal Tower expedition and Alas'to was deeply upset by the other miqo'te's choice to stay behind. But while he adores G'raha, he does not return the feelings that the other has held onto for over a century and was just kind of bemused when he actually noticed.He's since been gently let down.

Emet-Selch★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
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It's complicated. Alas'to didn't care much for him either way, though he did find him mildly amusing aside from the atrocities. And yet, there was always something so unnervingly familiar about him.In a life long, long ago, Hades and Apollo were the dearest of friends, but - as in every incarnation - Apollo was very physically affectionate while not altogether clear about the line of friendly and romantic. The relationship between the two friends turned physical, but when Apollo realized that what he meant as an extension of pre-existing friendly affection was being seen as something more, he backed off to let his friend down as easily as possible.Hades was left nursing a miserable pain in his chest, but when two people know each others' souls so deeply, heartbreak hurts less than being alone.And then, he was alone regardless.Alas'to is the clearest reflection of Apollo in ages and the multiple Rejoinings only made his soul brighter, harder to ignore. Both are/were so strong in their convictions, but restless and ever-moving, always searching for something just out of reach. He is so, so similar, but that only serves to make the differences more jarring.He's not Azem, he's not Apollo. He's wrong.And even if he wasn't, what would that mean for Emet-Selch? For Hades?In the end, it changed nothing.

Alisaie Levilleur★ ★ ★ ★ ★Alisaie is like a second little sister to him and he couldn't be happier to have her in his life.They bond by lovingly teasing Alphinaud.

Alphinaud Levilleur★ ★ ★ ★ ★Alas'to is so proud of how much this twerp has grown and can't wait to see where he goes from here.They are very close and Alas'to sees him as a younger brother.

All non-screenshot icons in this section were drawn by me!


Niamh Dhonmi★ ★ ★ ★ ☆Five years his junior, Niamh is Alas'to's little sister. While he played a major role in raising her, they grew apart after he came out due to the distance his change in role put between them.Regardless, they're on good terms now and they still keep in touch via letters.

Tuko Lukosch★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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The first time the two met, they were both greenhorns in the Lancer's Guild, unused to adventuring and the particular discomforts of Gridanian society. While their paths diverged as they both honed their skills, they bumped into each other again years later as Scions in the Rising Stones and easily rekindled their friendship, bonding over their love of dance.Also, Tuko has promised to teach him how to fish![ Player ]Married 10/16/2021 for tax benefits (aka cute clothes)

Name★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
This could be YOU!

1: me, ARR appearance
2: snookasnerk
3: porchcollapse
4: me, lightwarden concept, "Orpheus: Forgiven Selfishness" (WIP)
5: Abel Elfbitches
6: nausica21
7: me, sketch of the polycule (WIP)
8: Abel Elfbitches
9: me, Alas'to showing Tuko how to walk in heels (ft. aerobics clothes)
10: syrcus_knight, celebrating the totally-not-fraudulent Alastuko wedding
11: "My OC as..." art meme, template by @iguanentapioca
12: "WoL Inspo Chart" meme, template by @beauXIV
13: makandaudmakan
14: me, WIP reference sheet for late Shadowbringers and all of Endwalker
15: me, sticker design WIP
16: me, Alas'to wearing one of my (the player's) outfits
17: dracanboys
18: syrcus_knight, Artfight 2022 attack
19: Tigeri102, Artfight 2022 revenge
20: me, body type sketch (Endwalker)
21: me, sketch celebrating 1 year of marriage fraud as of 10/16/22
22: lzarts
23: picrew by hellosunnycore
24: nymeiaswanderer
25: syrcus_knight, Tuko tossing Alas'to into space (based on their duty portraits)
26: me, portrait for Artfight 2023
27: thuvsatzwyn, Artfight 2023 attack
28: alabasterffxiv

Are you over 18?

Adult Gallery

1: me, "lingerie and lace" art prompt fill
2: me, WIP
3: mdzdyd, Secret Starlight 2021 gift!
4: paulpfree

Wedding Gallery

OOC Info

Hey there, I'm Spence or Neo and I pilot this cat on Zalera!I mostly do casual content like roulettes, maps, and Gold Saucer shenanigans but I'm trying to branch into doing (more) on-tier EX fights and possibly Savage.I'm a gay 27 y/o transmasc artist based in the eastern US, and while I don't currently RP in XIV, I'd like to give it a go eventually!If you'd like to know more about me, feel free to check out my personal carrd!I also play Thoncred Woters on Coeurl and several other characters on Zalera.